Friday, May 18, 2012

Meeting up with friends in Nashville

We were at a conference last week that the Extreme Tour puts on every year. We got to spend 4 whole days with lots of our friends from all around the country that we toured with last year. We also had a good time making lots of new friends as well.

We met two agnostic kids and they ended up giving their lives to Christ by the end of the conference. We also heard from some of our friends in Mississippi; we started giving out a CD with short sermon jams on it. We tell people to listen to one each day for 21 days (there are 21 of them). It seems to be a very good thing. So good that we've decided to make more copies of the sermon jam CD's rather than making more copies of our album (we ran out of both, and can't really afford to make a lot more at this time).

When we were in Nashville we got the chance to do some street ministry with our friends from the Extreme Tour. I haven't really done anything like that since last year's tour, it was really good. I also haven't spent that much time with homeless people since last year's tour. At the end of the conference we went to some hillbilly restaurant for the after-party. The place was packed, standing room only. Everyone got to perform a song if they wanted to. We played one of our new songs that has a dance routine, since Scott Lack was there. Last year he wouldn't let us on the Extreme Tour unless we choreographed our set and sent him video updates of our progress. It was kind of annoying to have to do that, but it really helped out our live performance a lot.

Now we are in Kentcky visiting Victoria's sister on a horse ranch. Our next show is Wednesday in Mt. Carmel, Illinois.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Crunkcore meets Country Radio

So I totally forgot to mention that the other day we got interviewed on a mostly country online radio station. Yes, it was online radio, (which makes me think of someone with a windows 98 computer broadcasting his favorite tunes to his 3 listeners across the property line) but this was an actual legit radio station that we went into, and they have actual listeners (like thousands). They asked us some questions while streaming live, and played three of our songs. They had speakers outside the building playing the broadcast, and people walking by kept looking at the speakers funny when they were playing our songs. It was pretty cool, and he even asked us about crunkcore ;p

here's the website;

Today we made it into Batesville, Mississippi. They are treating us so nicely. They have a really good sound system, and Lecrae played here not too long ago. We are very excited about serving alongside our new southern friends tomorrow!
Ok, so i made a new blog yesterday and posted the following to it; but then I realized that the people following this blog wouldn't be following the new one...So I'm keeping it all here (sorry for the double post today) here's what I wrote yesterday;

We left from home 5 days ago. It was a rough first day. On the road at 5:30 am. We arrived in Kentucky around 3 pm with enough time to sound check and play our first set at Anvil Fest (we played twice that night). We put our last dollar into the gas guzzling tank and arrived on empty, but arrived no less. Only a couple things fell off the RV on the way, nothing major. It was our first long trip in the 1990 RV that God miraculously provided for us.

We couldn't get financing for an RV, and Victoria really wanted one from the 1990's. So we prayed. One day I sat at the computer and asked God to provide one from the 90's, and that the guy would just take what we had. The next day we bought this one -- we gave him 1400 cash and victoria's old 220k+ miles car that we toured in last year. It was less than half his asking price, and it was by far the cheapest 90's RV we could find anywhere.

The power cord got melted from the heat on the day of Anvil Fest while it was plugged in. We thought we would no longer be able to plug in and have power, but it worked out okay (thankfully!). And the mysterious recurring burning smell that keeps coming from the inside of the RV when we drive has mostly gone away. Threw away a moldy bord from under Victoria's bed, aaaaand we have a slight leakage from one of the pipes...a dirty water pipe. It's just a very small, very slow drip, but I still need to fix it.

Made some awesome friends at Anvil Fest, and have a 5 day layover until we have to be in Batesville, MS for our World Rejects Tour event (it was supposed to be a two month tour, but lots of things went wrong...).

Poop tank is clogged and most of it wouldn't come out when we tried to dump it, and we've spent the past couple days camping out in parking lots. We love Wal-Mart =]

God has graciously provided enough gas money for us to make it to Mississippi tomorrow (at least I think we'll have enough). We've been eating lots of cold Ramen Noodles and drinking warm peiasure's that my mom gave us (at least I have been). We love being on the road again and are excited for everything that comes next!!!