Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Working Jobs? Yes. Strange feeling? Yes.

It has been a wile since we've blogged, so it time to update! After we finished up the world rejects tour we played some shows in Indiana and did a West Virginia tour which was interesting.
We definitely have some crazy stories from that time period, but I want to just make a quick post today.
After we got done touring last year we had trouble finding enough work through the winter. We ended up using a credit card a lot. We had hoped that we would be able to pay it back this year but it has not happened yet, not even close. Due to our financial struggles we have been keeping an eye out for possible job opportunities that pay well. CJ ended up getting a good paying factory job so Victoria got a job at Subway and we decided to stop touring for a bit so that we can get out of debt. That is where were at now. This has been a blessing from God that CJ got hired in this place and that he was able to start working soon after we were done touring. We even were able to sell the RV so Victoria could get a car again! We did have to cancel two or three shows, and postpone a music video shoot, unfortunately.
Please continue to pray for us as Victoria is looking for an affordable place to live through the winter, and as we seek God's will. Also pray for CJ, his job pays well but it is very difficult and he has contemplated quitting several times.

We were supposed to have our new album released by now but due to our work schedules we have not been able to. We hope to release it soon.

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